cff THE COMFORT OF SOUNDS | Simple and Serene Living


Friday, August 19, 2022

 Simple Pleasures #52

Yesterday in the early morning hours as I sat in my chair I thought about the comfort I get from familiar sounds.

daisies in a jar by the window

Who would think that the sound of a garbage truck could bring comfort, but it did. 

I remember being a young child and hearing the garbage truck at my grandparents' house. 

In those days the men who collected the garbage balanced the trash cans on top of their heads as they carried them to the trucks. 

My younger brother was so fascinated by that that he decided he wanted to be a trash man when he grew up. 

bird on a branch full of blossoms

I started to think about other sound that bring me comfort.

Birds singing in the early morning. 
Bees buzzing around summer flowers.
The sound of my grandchildrens' voices.
Music from my teenage years.
Rain on the window.
A far off train whistle.
Waves as they break on the shore.

Last week I had my second brain MRI and I asked them to turn up the music so that I could hear it.

It was amazing how calming that was and before I knew it I was being rolled out of the tube.

I definitely find comfort from sounds that bring back good memories.

Simple Inspiration

train whistle quote

Lovely Reads From Around The Web

Gluten Free Roast Chicken And Kale

I love roast chicken, kale, and one pot meals. 

Full disclosure is I'm lazy and one pot meals are the best.

So imagine how happy I was to come across this recipe for one pan Roast Chicken And Kale.

gluten free roast chicken and kale

You can definitely use other vegetables besides the kale. Just think of veggies that you love to roast.

End Of Summer Reads

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The comfort of sounds

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  1. Laura you and I are so much alike. I love all the sounds you listed too. It is amazing how those noises trigger memories and also give us comfort. We have a train about a mile away and I love to hear the sound of it going past at night. Have a great Friday and wonderful weekend. xoxo Kris

  2. Sounds definitely put me in a mood! I love listening to the oldies station when I drive around in my Jeep. And a train whistle is a favorite too. Enjoy your weekend!

  3. I'm a sucker for the sounds of summer. I love hearing little kids playing outside, the ocean, seagulls overhead, the crickets and frogs at night and the birds in early morning...and music when I'm driving with the windows down!!

  4. All the sounds you mentioned bring back memories for me.. of my childhood mostly. I still love the sound of a train whistle far in the distance (which I have here where I live!)... and love the morning sounds of birds chirping, (this summer I don't hear hardly any birds here which is very unusual.. maybe too hot!).... and love most of all the sounds of the ocean waves crashing on the shore... rain on the roof and windows is another sound I don't get very often here where I live! Those Amazon clothes are lucious, although that first sweater I'm not ready for, as it's still 100 degrees here! xoxo Marilyn

  5. It's amazing how often we're not even aware of the sounds around us. Focusing on hearing them is a good anxiety reducer. I'd list many of the same as yours (except grandchildren!) Hope all is well with your scan. xoxo

  6. When we moved here the Sunday steam train was still running. I miss that. They do an inland route instead of along our coast now.


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