cff IT'S DAFFODIL SEASON | Simple and Serene Living


Friday, February 11, 2022

Simple Pleasures #27

"I wandered lonely as a cloud

that floats on high o'er vales and hills,

when all at once I saw a crowd,

a host of golden daffodils..."

                       William Wordsworth

I walk outside and I can feel it. The sun suddenly feels warmer and brighter.

I walk outside and I can see it. The daffodils are proudly swaying in the breeze.


The days are gradually growing longer and I know that winter will soon be in our rearview mirrors. 

I want to hurry it along, but I know that it is almost here and when it fully arrives I will rejoice along with everyone else.

Simple Inspiration

the first blooms of spring

Lovely Reads

old book and flowers

Favorite Gluten-Free Recipes This week

The Super Bowl, which I don't watch and the Olympics, which I do watch (how fabulous was Nathan Chen?) are on TV this weekend so I'm betting you are looking for some appetizers.

Thought you might like some ideas for gluten-free appetizers.

There are 23 recipes so you are sure to find something for your sports loving family and friends.

gluten free appetizers

Catching Up

Recent posts you may have missed.


daffodil pillows

yellow hard sided luggage

butter cotton women shirt

women yellow floral wrap dress

LL Bean women striped tee

yellow butter dish

daffodil sun catcher

daffodil wreath

floral antique still life digital download

Have a wonderful Super Bowl and Olympic Games weekend. 

If you are looking for some beautiful vintage and antique digital prints you will want to check out still life wall art, and land and seascapes. 

More are being added daily and all are currently on sale. 

It's daffodil season

This post contains affiliate links for which I may receive a small commission .


  1. I love daffodils they are one of my favorites. I loved when I had my home and they would pop up all over the yard and in the flower beds in the spring. Happy Friday Laura. Have a great weekend. xoxo

  2. Our Daffs will arrive next month here in KY. I can't wait! Loved seeing all of the yellow items.

  3. I've been hoping for a daffodil sighting here, but so far, nothing. Maybe this weekend!!

  4. Daffodils are my favorite! Yes, the sun is warmer and the days a bit longer

  5. We are definitely behind you as far as when signs of spring arrives, but it is lovely to see that it is starting somewhere! The rest of us can't be far behind! By the time I get home from Florida, the daffodils should be blooming, and the forsythia as well. There's no gift like spring!


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