cff HOW TO LOVE YOUR SMALL HOME | Simple and Serene Living


Monday, February 14, 2022

Living in a very small space can be frustrating, to say the least.

I know because I am currently living in a less than 600 square foot apartment.

antique cabinet by bed

On top of that, I am running an Etsy vintage and antique business out of my apartment. 

Call me crazy. It's okay you won't be the first or the last.

My motto is, be it ever so humble or small there's no place like home. 

gallery wall

So how do we learn to love our small spaces?

When I started researching how to love small spaces the articles seemed to focus on getting rid of stuff. 

Okay, but as I said I have to store my shop items and I am a maximalist. 

Love Your Style 

In any size home, it is important to follow your heart when decorating.

If you are a minimalist then I say go for it and get rid of anything that you don't find pleasing.

small space dining table

If you are more of a maximalist then I say find a way to love your things and don't feel guilty when you want to keep them.

Display them in ways that are pleasing to you, and if you can't display them all at once then rotate them.

P.S. there is a difference between things you love and clutter, so yes if you have a lot of unnecessary clutter in your small space then you should tackle it.

Organize Your Small Home

Organizing is key to living in and loving your small home, so after you have decluttered it's time to think about organization.

I look at my small space and think of it in terms of real estate. For example, the backs of interior doors give you approximately 21 square feet of storage space.

Wow, that is a lot.

I have a small walk-in front closet that doubles as a pantry. I wish I didn't have bifold doors because I would love to have this.

I do have this exact shoe holder, which I purchased four years ago, hanging on my bedroom closet door and it has cleared up a lot of space.

over the door shoe holder

Almost everyone needs a desk, but it can be difficult to find room for one in a small space.

A fold down desk may be a perfect solution for you. When you don't need it, it folds up and out of the way. 

fold down desk

If you are starved for countertop space like me then this over the sink or stovetop cutting board could be the perfect solution.

It is definitely going on my wish list.

over the sink or stovetop cutting board.

Baskets are definitely a girls best friend in a small home.

What I love about storage baskets is that they can be both utilitarian and beautiful. 

woven storage basket set

Refresh, Refresh, Refresh

I love my small home, but I get tired of the way things are and so I feel the need to refresh. 

Moving furniture around is a great way to give your space a new look, but even switching out accessories can give it a whole new feel. 

I am a lover of lots of prints on the walls and it is hard to find bare wall space in my apartment, but I do like to switch out my prints occasionally. 

I love that we can now get beautiful instant and affordable art for our walls with digital download printables.

It is what led me to add instant printables to my Etsy shop.

What's not to love about living in a small home. After all there is a lot less space to keep clean, which means more time to do the things you love. 

More home decor posts.

how to love your small home

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  1. I love living small. There is so many fun ways to make small spaces work. Happy Valentines Day. Have a great new week. xoxo Kris

  2. I like you, am a maximalist and love my "stuff" but do try to keep it pared down somewhat. I may buy trinkets at a thrift store, and then a year later, decide they are too much clutter so I redonate them. I have no problem with that! I have kept many things though, over the years, which have sentimal value, but even now, I'm thinking of paring down even more. Things that are just pretty to look at, but that I don't really use, I'm thinking I don't need so much anymore. I love your walls with all the pictures. I like that too. My space is 1100 sq. feet and I still wonder where all the room went! Well.. one entire room is my craftroom, which is wall to wall shelving, but I don't really NEED all of it! Take care... Marilyn

  3. I love the term "maximalist!" My first apartment in NYC was 425 sq ft. I used to say that I could sit on my couch and reach everything I owned! It forced me to be organized. When I first moved to my house, I had lots of empty closets. Now, everything is packed, and it will be such a chore when it's time to move. Our place is Florida is small and I am trying hard not to accumulate things here. I could really use that desk!


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