cff DAYDREAMING | Simple and Serene Living


Monday, February 28, 2022

Were you ever told to stop daydreaming? 

Has someone told you that daydreams are a waste of time? 

Did you know that daydreams are actually good for you?

when you daydream

When You Daydream

Daydreams spark creativity. 

Daydreams are a source of motivation. 

Daydreams give you inspiration. 

Daydreams can help you get over anger and hurt feelings. 

Daydreaming helps you to see who you are and what you want.

balloons drifting up to the sky

Why I Daydream

I love to daydream. 

It allows me to see where I am now and where I want to be. 

I recently came across this old poem and it was as if the person who wrote it had stepped into my daydreams.

poem about daydreaming

Do you daydream? 

When you do daydream what do you see? 


  1. What a great poem. Nice way to start the week. Happy Monday. Have a great week. xoxo

  2. Love the poem! It's ME too! I do daydream, but not as much as I used to. I used to dream of places I wanted to live, as was never satisfied of where I was! I don't do that so much anymore as I've learned that wherever I live, I always find a good life and meet new and sometimes long lasting forever friends! But I agree.. it IS great to daydream and have hope for the future. xoxo Marilyn

  3. I daydream too and one of my favorite things to do is ponder over a new craft project. I like to think about it and get ideas. It keeps life interesting! Being in nature gives me things to daydream about the dozens of butterflies we saw on a bush that was blooming yesterday! Neat post!

  4. Laura, this poem PERFECTLY sums up my feelings! I find daydreaming while outdoors in nature is most fulfilling.

  5. Lovely poem. Day dreaming is full of passions and dreams. This poem summed it up perfectly. Happy March. xo


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