cff HELLO SEPTEMBER | Simple and Serene Living


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

What happened to summer? Seriously, how did it suddenly turn into September? 

Saturday I suddenly realized that I had rolled right through the last week of August without writing a weekly blog post. In my defense.....okay I have no defense. 

It isn't as if summer is actually over. Atlanta will be hot this week and realistically it will be a while before we actually have any fall weather, but for some reason I always feel a bit melancholy when September rolls around. 

Maybe it goes back to my school days. Honestly, I was not a fan of school in those days, although I definitely liked to socialize. I seem to remember that I talked too much in class. Imagine that. 

It wasn't until I went back to college and grad school in my later years that I really hunkered down. At that point I no longer wanted to be a flibbertigibbet. 

This was a very rainy summer in Atlanta and I am hoping that maybe some of that summer rain will turn into sunny fall days. I am definitely a lover of sun.

I am trying to turn over a new leaf, concerning taking better care of myself, and September seems like a good time to start. I am blessed to have a cozy place to live and plenty of food in my pantry and freezer and I am working on turning that food into healthy meals. 

Kicking myself out of my bed early in the morning so that I can get out and walk before the day gets too hot is a new habit. When I get back I brew up some tea or decaf coffee and plan my day while I eat breakfast. 

I am ramping up my Etsy business (a girl has to have income to buy those healthy ingredients), which means photographing and listing. 

Venturing out for new stuff is not on my immediate to do list because I still have plenty of things that I never put in the shop, and I am determined to sell the beautiful things I already have in stock. I know that at some point I will have to start searching for treasures again, but I am hoping the state of Georgia will get a better grip on the pandemic before I sally forth to thrift stores and auctions. 

Finally, I have gotten up off my lazy rear end and started to work on my apartment. Cleaning and rearranging are not my favorite things to do, but I know that I will be happy when things are more organized. 

So bring it on September. I am ready for you. 


  1. I love the first of the month...all new and shiny and full of hope! Sounds like you have some great ideas for this month! Hugs!

  2. Hi Laura,
    Ramping up on your Etsy business sounds great. I am a summer girl but I am actually looking forward to some fall temps. August was so hot and hardly any rain. Trying to keep my flowers alive in those hot hot days in August is finally over. Hopefully they will recover a little and stay nice into the fall. Have a great new week. xoxo Kris

  3. Yes, keep busy with the Etsy shop. More and more people are choosing to shop there and not the big box stores. I definitely look on Etsy quite a bit now.

  4. I must say... I'm really TIRED of the heat here in central Oregon! I've had it! But our next 10 day forecast is more heat and 100 degree days. The nights are getting cooler though so that helps. I like to have the window open to let in the cool air, but now we have neighbors who let their 3 BIG dogs bark all night! So not open windows.... just can't win. I like September though... lazy summer days and all that... and I love October too, but NOT looking forward to winter! Enjoy the week... Marilyn

  5. Great plans for your immediate future. I've been in a new home since last November and felt completely lost for many, many months. I've finally started to feel settled therefore I'm doing more to make it mine. I will be taking a peek at your etsy shop. Whatever you do with your day I hope you enjoy every minute.


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