cff HOME ACCIDENT | Simple and Serene Living


Friday, June 23, 2023

I am cautious about trying not to fall because of my osteoporosis, but a couple of weeks ago I found that although the most common, falls are not the only type of home accident.


Two weeks ago I had a crazy accident.

I was cleaning and dropped something on the other side of my toilet.

Instead of just leaning over to pick it up I sat down on the toilet seat lid and that is when the craziness was.

I didn't realize the seat was loose and when I leaned over it slipped, threw me off, and slammed my back ribcage into the toilet paper holder.

Needless to say, it was very painful and produced a large bruise, but over the next few days, it was feeling much better.

Five days later I was back to riding the stationary bike and feeling great.

However, when I went to get up from my chair I heard a pop, the area that I had hit completely seized up, and I was unable to move. 

When realized I was not going to be able to get up I called for an ambulance.

Long story short no ribs were cracked or broken, but the ER doctor said it was a muscle or tendon injury and would take a while to heal.


The best part was that I got to spend a couple of days at Cary's and be pampered.

Things are gradually getting back to normal but I am trying not to overdo it. 

A bit hard when you live by yourself. 

For now, I am ignoring the fact that I need to vacuum. 

I got out yesterday, dropped off a package at UPS, and did my grocery shopping. 

Home is the most common place for an accident to happen. 

Here are some ways to help prevent accidents at home.

I would love for you to check out my Etsy shop where I sell vintage and antique finds along with digital downloads of beautiful antique artwork.


  1. Oh Laura I am so sorry this happened. It seems like accident happen but why they have to be so weird is the crazy part. I am glad it was only tendon and not your actual ribs. Those take forever to heal and with osteoporosis even longer. Happy that was not the results. Hoping you start to feel better and better each day. Hugs. Kris

  2. Ouch, ouch, OUCH!!! I can well imagine how much pain you've been experiencing. Continue to pamper and take care of yourself and don't fret about cleaning. A cool drink, a good book and your feet propped should keep the doctor away. Take care!

  3. Oh! That is horrible, Laura. I took a bad fall about a year ago and face planted. I tripped on the sidewalk after trying to control Scruffy as he was in 'naughty puppy' mode. I am glad you are healing and that you didn't get injured worse than you did. Love to you! xo Diana

  4. I'm so glad you're feeling better, Laura. xo


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