cff MENTAL HEALTH BREAK | Simple and Serene Living


Friday, August 11, 2023

 I have come to realize that I need a mental health break. 

Most of my adult life has been filled with stress and I know that I need to finally take some time for myself and try to find some serenity.


When we are young it feels like life will go on forever, but as we get older we realize how quickly it has passed.

With that in mind, I am going to take some time for myself.

I need to stop and smell the roses.

metal basket of roses

Suddenly all of the things I thought were so important just don't seem that important any longer. 

My Etsy shop has been put on an extended vacation and I am cutting down on my blog posts. 

I want to look at the wonderful photos on Instagram without feeling like I need to compete.

I want to play Rummikub with new friends on Thursday night and just laugh. 

I want to sit in my chair and spend hours reading great books. 

Most of all I want to spend more time with my precious family.

I realize that I need to

just be
You all are my precious friends and I appreciate your support so much.


  1. Sometimes in life we just need to take a little break. I call them mental health days when I meet up with a friend or two for lunch or a shopping trip in a cute little town with sweet shops to browse. Life can really throw us some hard balls and that takes a toll. I cannot imagine anything harder than burying a child and you had to do this. You need the mental health break to grieve and try and find peace. As you know from your career as a counselor grief is a process and filling our days with lots of things to worry about and do can take a toll on our own mental and physical health. Time never makes the loss and sadness go away but it does help us find a way to cope and pull forward. I wish you many days ahead with just taking care of you. Finding joy and peace each day in your life with something good for you. Big Hugs. Kris

  2. Yes! Do it! I've been doing the same. I put my Etsy shop on vacation and have removed all my items on sale from a little shop here. It was a stress always thinking I had to make new stuff for each holiday.
    You are on the right track for sure! We need time to finally not be worrying so much, and time to not feel guilty if we're not "doing" something every minute of the day. I'm about ready to quit blogging also. Another stressor.
    Take care and enjoy just "being".

  3. Life can be stressful and you my friend have had a very, very heartbreaking and difficult year. I’m glad you were able to identify what you need and you’re going to do it. Like my mom used to say, it’ll all be there when/if you want to go back to it. Hugs.

  4. Life in general is very stressful however when you add a major life changing event to the mix then it's over the top stressful. I don't want to make this comment about me however I want to add that when my sweet husband passed away very suddenly 5 years ago I stayed away from all social media venues. I felt an incredible amount of angst.
    You have to do whatever you need to fill your heart and sense of being with bliss! Take care of yourself, Laura!


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