cff JOY IS IN THE SIMPLE THINGS | Simple and Serene Living


Sunday, November 23, 2014

There were so many things that I hungered after when I was younger. A larger house, a pool, more money, designer clothes.....and when I got them I really didn't find joy. I found I was left with wanting more. As I have gotten older I have found that the simplest things bring me joy. A smile from a stranger, a surprise silly text message from a grandchild, a cup of tea on a cold gray day, and today it is arriving home from the library with a pretty bag stuffed full of books.

Jen at Muddy Boot Dreams has started a Pinterest group and Facebook page for those of us who are looking for and finding  joy in the ordinary. I hope you will read more about it here and join us. 

Next week I will be talking about my plans for my own ideas for pursuing a simple and serene life. I will also be resuming Women Speak on Tuesday. 

For now, I think I will fix myself that soothing cup of tea and choose a favorite book to read. 

Have a serene and joyful day, my friends. 

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  1. I find a lot of joy in the every day things! Have a beautiful afternoon my friend! Hugs!

  2. I look forward to hearing your ideas on living a simple and serene life. I love that book bag. Did you make it?

    1. Actually it is a Vera Bradley. My mom gave it to me when she found it was too large for her to carry.

  3. OK Laura, this should make you giggle...I tried writing a comment on my phone, couldn't get it to work. Thought I would try the PC. As I went downstairs I remembered that I had to put some laundry in the washer...forgot all about what it was I was going to do......right, about this comment, just got back from playing with the cat.

    Any ways thanks so much for the mention, that's so sweet of you. Now what was I doing?


    1. Thanks for the giggle. That could be my afternoon (except I don't have a cat) You are very welcome, sweet friend.

  4. It really is the simple things that matter.

  5. A quiet night by the wood stove, with a good book, is my favorite thing these days.

  6. Laura, we've discussed this many times and I think we are both finding happiness as we simplify our lives!

  7. Serenity is the essence of peace. Read away.

  8. Enjoy your book and tea, l am going to do the same for a while :). I so agree with this post. As l grow older, the tiniest pleasures bring me great joy, not all the bigger things l used to think l needed. Blessings, Pam xx

    1. Hi Pam. With age comes wisdom. Isn't it wonderful to find joy in the simple things :)

  9. Thank you, Laura, for the reminder. I forgot to use hash tags on my pins. Going to remedy that right now. Be well.

  10. You're so right Laura. Money helps in life but I've always said money doesn't make you a good person, doesn't make you healthy and just buys big and better stuff.


    1. Money is not a bad thing the majority of the time, but it can't buy happiness. :)

  11. I think we live a happier life when we can notice those simple things that bring us joy... Some people can't!


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